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Folder 2. Learning to See Double (11 PDFs)

Just as there is good and evil, heaven and hell, angels and demons, there is an inner life and an outer life, an invisible realm and a material realm, a life in time and a life in eternity. This can get very confusing! Let these insights stabilize your spiritual vision.

Double Set of Eyes : Truth and Reality in Matched Pairs


pdf 1.1. Learning to See Double (31-page eBook) Popular

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Many things in the spiritual life come in matched pairs, or mis-matched pairs if you count the ones that are on opposite sides. It can make your eyes cross! But we’ve laid them out in a way that should help you steer clear of confusion.

Double Set of Eyes : Truth and Reality in Matched Pairs

pdf 1.2. Seeing with Double Vision Popular

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Just as there is good and evil, heaven and hell, angels and demons, there is an inner life and an outer life, an invisible realm and a material realm, a life in time and a life in eternity. This can get very confusing!

Double Set of Eyes : Truth and Reality in Matched Pairs

pdf 2. Two Warring Natures Popular

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The old you may seem more real than the new you, but don’t fall for its disguise. You are no longer who you once knew yourself to be—you just have two warring natures! You are truly a new creation. However, your true self is a mystery “hidden with Christ.”

A Man Talking to Himself : Two Warring Natures

pdf 3. Two Invisible Kingdoms Popular

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It’s time to gain eyes to see what science is blind to. Two invisible kingdoms are at war all around you. Sometimes you even feel the “tug of war” going on within you. It really helps to know what you are up against.

Angel and Demon Fighting : Two Invisible Kingdoms

pdf 4. Two Realms of Habitation Popular

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It is hard enough learning how to live in one world, this one. Yet, our calling is to learn to live in two realms at once. It’s no good saying you can’t—God knows you can with His help. In fact, you have already been “seated with Christ” in the heavenlies!

Stairways to Heaven : Two Realms of Habitation

pdf 5. Two Powerful Motivations Popular

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When the going gets tough, what can you do? Reach for one or the other of these two powerful motivations. They will power you up to reign in the flesh and unleash your heart for God. Either one will help you cling to the Lord.

Boy Reaching for the Sun : Two Powerful Motivations

pdf 6. Two Passionate Purposes Popular

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What a difference a wholesome sense of real purpose brings into any life! As believers in Jesus we have not one, but two magnificent purposes. Learn how to strap them on, my friend, and you need never be empty, bored, or lonely ever again.

Gazing Upwards at Heaven : Our Two Passionate Purposes

pdf 7. Two Monumental Tasks Popular

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Out of the world's seemingly endless problems emerge our twin tasks: the Great Commission which is aimed at the spiritual needs of individuals and the “Great Compassion” which is aimed at creating freer, nobler societies.

Two Boulders Being Pushed : Two Monumental Tasks

pdf 8. Two Competing Covenants Popular

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Only one of the Old Testament covenants was ever superseded by another. The “Old Covenant” refers to God’s covenant through Moses with the Jewish people on Mount Sinai which gave way to the new and “better” one that Jesus made with all of us.

Law Tablets and the Cross : Two Competing Covenants

pdf 9. Two True Testaments Popular

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We have been given, not one, but two Testaments of scripture in the Bible. Obviously, we need them both and it would be a mistake to neglect either one. But it would also be a mistake to think that they can be read the same way.

An Old Testament Torah Scroll : Two True Testaments

pdf 9.1. Two Avenues of Grace Popular

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These two “avenues of grace” are the Lord's way of bringing invisible divine life into events of the material world. We make contact with Him through tangible means which are not only aids to our faith, but are pathways for transformation.

Bread, Wine and Baptismal Font : Two Avenues of Grace

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