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Folder 1. Jesus, 7 Key Moments in His Life (8 PDFs)

John wrote that to tell the full story of Jesus' life, it would take more books than the world could contain. Unquestionably. So, here we have 7 absolutely key moments that tell the highlights of Jesus' life, at least in terms of what we know...

Jesus Our Savior


pdf 1. Jesus: 7 Key Moments in His Life (28-page eBook) Popular

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JC.Jesus Key Moments in His Life eBook.pdf

Here they are! His Eternal Pre-Existence, His Miraculous Birth, His Incomparable Life, His Terrible Death, His Triumphant Resurrection, His Glorious Ascension, and His Coming Again. Seven magnificent "moments" that stagger the imagination.

Jesus Our Savior: 7 Key Moments

pdf 2. His Eternal Pre-Existence Popular

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JC.His Eternal Pre-Exisence.pdf

Jesus didn’t suddenly appear on the scene with His birth at Bethlehem, nor was He waiting in the wings rehearsing His lines! What was the Son of God doing before He became the Son of Man? The clues are like stardust in the heavens.

Jesus as Creator: His Eternal Pre-Existence; God of Israel

pdf 3. His Miraculous Birth Popular

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JC.His Miraculous Birth.pdf

As our Model and Example, Jesus' birth speaks volumes about our own new life in Him. What it reveals will make you marvel at the “risk” He took and the miracle, not only of His birth, but of His unwavering pursuit of His divine assignment.

Birth of Jesus : His Miraculous Birth : Self-Emptying

pdf 4. His Incomparable Life Popular

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JC.His Incomparable Life.pdf

When it comes to showing us how to live, Jesus really is the Master. Trying to copy His ways from the outside in, however, is a guaranteed formula for frustration and failure. We need to see how He did it from the inside out.

Our God: Walking as Jesus Walked: His Incomparable Life

pdf 5. His Terrible Death Popular

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JC.His Terrible Death.pdf

It looked like a colossal mistake, a ghastly travesty of justice. In reality, it was a valiant conquest of a hideous foe—all that is fallen and corrupt in our nature. The innocent Victim became the invincible Victor, even before He died!

Jesus, His Terrible Death

pdf 6. His Triumphant Resurrection Popular

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JC.His Triumphant Resurrection.pdf

Without the Resurrection we have no religion worth shouting about, no hope of heaven, no escape from our sins or our sin nature. Without His Resurrection we wouldn’t know a victory was won at the cross. Funny thing is, it was the one thing He didn’t do…

Jesus Rising from the Grave : His Triumphant Resurrection

pdf 7. His Glorious Ascension Popular

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JC.His Glorious Ascension.pdf

This one gets overlooked. It almost seems like an afterthought, appended to the earth-shaking events of death and resurrection. Yet, His Ascension holds something crucial for us to know; even more, it is vital that we learn to live by it.

Ascension of Jesus : Jesus Ascended to the Seat of Power

pdf 8. His Coming Again Popular

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JC.His Coming Again.pdf

There are incontrovertible signs that the long-awaited Day of Jesus' Return is closer than you might think. Prepare to be very excited by this… Jesus actually expects us to discern the "signs of the times" and they are all happening around us!

Signs of the Second Coming

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