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Folder 2015 Living by Faith eNewsletters


pdf April 2015 eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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Our April eNewsletter, Living by Faith, is all about the Holy Spirit - Our Helper and Mystery Guest

pdf August-September eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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This is our August-Semptember combined newsletter on how to listen to God and others: "The Art of Listening (And Why We Need It!)"

pdf February 2015 eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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These three views of the Atonement will fascinate you: was Jesus a Victim, Victor or Vision. HOW did God use the event Jesus' death to save us? (We know He did, but how?)

pdf January 2015 eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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Get ready for Enigma, Riddle and Paradox. These aren't exactly Biblical names for God, but they might as well be. This newsletter is all about our Three in One God(s): Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

pdf July 2015 eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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Our July newsletter explores the awesome power of our will, but exposes its fatal limitations: free will, God's sovereignty and consequences!

pdf March 2015 eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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Success at Seeking to Serve: Ministry to others is one of the best ways in the world to grow the One Thing God is most interested that we cultivate. Here's the what and how of it.

pdf May 2015 eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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This is our May 2015 eNewsletter and you're going to love it! Inside are three excellent reasons why everyone needs to be saved, plus a quick demolition of the 4 most popular (wrong) theories about what happens after we die.

pdf October-November eNews: Living by Faith Popular

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Our October-November newsletter explores what scripture says about Jesus as the Word of God. There are many wonderful truths and a great mystery to feast upon.

We offer an Awakened Bride full preparations for Life, Love and Ministry. Explore our websites!